OUT ALIVE is a pioneering workshop model working with ex-offenders and artists. The first three workshops took place across regional Victoria in Castlemaine, Geelong, and Shepparton, between 2021–23.
‘It’s been great…They showed me trust, self esteem; they showed me how to look inside myself and look inside the justice system to see how we can better it’ — Rob (participant, Castlemaine)
‘I think it’s important to have members of the community…who are not intrinsically involved with the custodial system, or the justice system…to give some human side to the story. It’s not just a number…it brings a human face.’ — Doug (participant, Geelong)
‘The best thing about this experience is I’ve learned to be a normal, average person in the community in life…I’m not a criminal anymore. And I don’t feel like I will be a criminal ever again. I was. But I’m not now.’ — Kane (participant, Shepparton)
A successful example of how creativity can be used to address seemingly intractable criminal justice problems, such as the social reintegration of former prisoners, OUT ALIVE employs a multi-disciplinary approach of theatre and applied criminology, informed by the theories and practices of transformative and procedural justice, applied theatre, and justice reinvestment. Building on learnings, research, and the methodology of The Chat and Judiths Return, OUT ALIVE further establishes the unique and important role artists play in Australia’s criminal justice ecology, improving the social integration of participants in their communities while increasing awareness around the needs of ex-offenders returning to the community.
OUT ALIVE is a joint program of KIN, Regional Arts Victoria and the Victorian Legal Services Board + Commissioner grants program, and put people with lived experience of the criminal justice system together with artists, academics, and community partners, for a week long workshop model that considers the role and performance involved in the parole interview.
If you are interested in learning more, please email us via the contact page